New and Used Books on Life, Liberty & Happiness
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Banned Books
"Banned books" are any printed works (books, essays or plays) to which free access is not permitted. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship – usually with political, legal, religious, moral, or commercial motives. The American Library Association promotes the freedom to choose or express one's opinions when it comes to all printed matrials – even if that opinion might be considered unorthodox or unpopular – and stresses the importance of ensuring availability to all those who wish to read banned books. At Bookends Bookstore, we passionately uphold the right to read banned books every day, and celebrate Banned Books Week at the end of each September.
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Books can be ordered by phone or purchased online at
110 South Pueblo Avenue, Ojai, California 93023
in Meiners Oaks at the corner of El Roblar